Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Your data is safe and secure. Both Rex and your data are stored on Amazon’s stable and secure servers and managed by Productive Computing’s hosting team. Furthermore, with Rex’s platform being run on Apple’s Claris Pro software, rest assured that security is taken very seriously. Just don’t make your password…. “password”.

Absolutely not. Your personal data and practice details along with all patient data is secure and not available to anyone outside your organization or My Partner Rex. It will not be shared or sold. Please see the Privacy Policy for full details.

Reach out with any questions you may have through our Contact page or email sales@mypartnerrex.com. We’ll set up a call or an online meeting, to review any questions you may have.

Rex is offered by subscription and is priced on a per-user per-month or annual basis.

Onboarding and training are included with your setup package.

Please submit your new user request and information here or from the Admin screen in Rex. Note: adding users may take up to 2 business days to process and your account will be billed for.

A user is one individual that has their own private login credentials to access Rex, e.g. a veterinarian, a technician or a care coordinator. The user is able to access Rex on an iPad or a Mac/Windows computer. Rex is billed on a per-user basis.

Please contact the Rex team at sales@mypartnerrex.com

Yes, Rex allows you to import files such as PDFs, documents, or images. This allows you to keep digital records from other RDVM’s all nicely stored in your patient’s file.

Absolutely, you are able to export a patient's record. Rex will compile all the information about a patient record into a PDF file that you can download or email. A Rex user is also able to just email a single chart note of a patient.

No. You will need to access your Rex software through the Rex file installed on your desktop or iOS devices.


You will need an internet connection in order to access the Rex software and your data. An internet connection can be established through a Wi-Fi , direct connection, or tethered through a cellular data plan.

No, but you can export and send a PDF of patient records via email.

Rex runs on on Windows and Mac Operating Systems along with iOS using late model computers and devices. For full system requirements, please see details here.

Rex is compatible with your Mac/Windows desktop as well as iPad and iPhone. The screens on the iPhone have been further optimized for mobile viewing, however, the iPhone version provides limited access to data such as appointments and pet data.

Rex is not compatible with the Android platform.

Rex is licensed by the user and sharing passwords is outside the licensing agreement and conflicts with mandated controlled medication logging.

Tracking, invoicing, reports, and inventory of medications.

Productive Computing’s support staff works Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Pacific Time), and are available during these hours to address questions and issues. Occasionally, you may need to leave a message and we'll get the request done the same business day or by the next business day.

For Rex emergencies outside of normal business hours, please call 760-510-1200 and you will be forwarded to an on-call team member. There may be a delayed response, but we will troubleshoot the system and respond as soon as possible.

In every case, you own your data and you’ll have the option to export it at any time (even while being an active Rex customer).

There is not an official trial version of Rex, but please book a consultation with the team to see how Rex works.

AT this time, Rex is primarily used for dogs and cats. However, there’s no reason it can’t work for any animal a veterinarian might provide related services.

At this time, US, Canada, Mexico


There’s no direction connection to QuickBooks at this time.

No, the Rex calendar is independent of anyone’s personal calendar. However, you can put additional types of calendar events within the Rex calendar.

Rex is designed for hospice and end-of-life services and associated products, not a full vet practice.

Yes, the Rex options include tracking specific tasks and products related to aftercare. In addition, Rex manages the details and preferences including pet parent directives, crematorium information instructions, and the primary DVM during the final days leading up to and after euthanasia. Rex keeps the pet parent at the forefront helping to manage all the details during this important time.

Rex runs on desktops or laptops running the latest Windows (Pro or Enterprise Edition 64-bit only) or Mac operating systems. For remote connections, Rex is designed to run on Apple iPads running the latest iOS and offers limited functionality on Apple iPhones. For full system requirements, please see details here.

Rex is compatible with your Mac/Windows desktop as well as iPad and iPhone. The screens on the iPhone have been further optimized for mobile viewing, however, the iPhone version provides limited access to data such as appointments and pet data.

Rex is not compatible with the Android platform.

Rex is licensed by the user and sharing passwords is outside the licensing agreement and conflicts with mandated controlled medication logging.

Tracking, invoicing, reports, and inventory of medications.

Productive Computing’s support staff works Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Pacific Time), and are available during these hours to address questions and issues. Occasionally, you may need to leave a message and we'll get the request done the same business day or by the next business day.

For Rex emergencies outside of normal business hours, please call 760-510-1200 and you will be forwarded to an on-call team member. There may be a delayed response, but we will troubleshoot the system and respond as soon as possible.

In every case, you own your data and you’ll have the option to export it at any time (even while being an active Rex customer).

There is no official trial version of Rex, but contact us to find out if we are offering a promotion.

AT this time, Rex is primarily used for dogs and cats. However, there’s no reason it can’t work for any animal a veterinarian might provide related services.

Currently, we serve customers U.S.


There’s no direction connection to QuickBooks at this time.

No, the Rex calendar is independent of anyone’s personal calendar. However, you can put additional types of calendar events within the Rex calendar.

Rex is designed for hospice and end-of-life services and associated products, not a full vet practice.

Yes, the Rex options include tracking specific tasks and products related to aftercare. In addition, Rex manages the details and preferences including pet parent directives, crematorium information instructions, and the primary DVM during the final days leading up to and after euthanasia. Rex keeps the pet parent at the forefront helping to manage all the details during this important time.